User Defined Functions (.aex file)
The Template makes use of several compiled functions found in wt4.aex and wt_captcha.aex.
Function |
Example / Usage |
wt_atgbranding() |
?wt_atgbranding() Displays the AlphaToGo Framework link back to unless toggled off in Website Configuration. Initially toggled on when delivered. |
wt_banner() |
This was removed in build 4.2.0004 |
wt_breadcrumbs() |
?wt_breadcrumbs() Will display breadcrumbs at the location the function is placed. Initially this feature is commented out, and resides in the wt_inc_header_body.a5w page. Un-comment out to use. |
wt_content(contentid as c) |
?wt_content("aboutpage") |
wt_captcha(e as p, isAjaxCallback=.f., imageindx="1", codeSize=5, isNoise=.t., isUpper=.t., style="B", fontColor="black") |
This function is only used in the Contact component. Please see the detailed instructions for AlphaToGo CAPTCHA utility for more information. |
wt_debugarea() |
?wt_debugarea() Displays all session variables for debugging purposes unless toggled off in Website Configuration. Initially togged off when delivered. |
wt_headerimage(request) |
?wt_headerimage(request) This will place the header image at that location based on settings in Web Setup for the default header image, and in Pages for optional per-page header image settings. This function is commented out in the Framework as delivered. Un-comment the function in wt_inc_header_body.a5w if desired. |
wt_log_email AS C (pm as p, method as c = "", status as c="",errorText as c="") |
wt_log_email(pm,setup.email_method,status,errorText) Used internally to make a log of all outgoing emails. Used in Contact Us module as well as the registration and password recovery modules. |
wt_logoimage AS C (request as p,alt as c="") |
?wt_logoimage(request,"My Alternate Tag") This function displays your logo, typically in the upper left of your website in the header area. The Alt Tag is suggested per SEO protocol. |
wt_menu AS C (menuname as c = "") |
?wt_menu() or ?wt_menu("mymenu") Displays the navigation as defined at Main Navigation. If no menuname is provided, displays all menu nodes (default because typically a web application has only one main navigation. Alternately, provide a menuname to include only those menu nodes identified with that menuname in the database. |
wt_message AS C (message_area_id as n = 0,css as C ="") |
?wt_message(msg_id) Displays the "tickler" message as defined in Website Configuration. Any CSS provided in the function will be applied to the message, e.g., "padding:10px". |
wt_page(field as c, tag = "") |
?wt_page("page_title","<h1>") This function is "aware" of the page name where it is used. If the above code was placed on the About.a5w page, it would display the content of the page_title field from the wt_pages table where the ID was "about.a5w". It would also set that text to the CSS H1 setting. |
wt_plugins() |
This function was depreciated in build 4.2.0001 and supporting code also removed (meaning it will not work) |
wt_regconfirm AS C (conf as c) |
Used internally to process a user's registration. |
wt_setup(field as c) |
?wt_setup("app_name") This function simply gets the value from the wt_setup table. In the Framework, fields from the wt_setup table are displayed in Website Configuration. So the above would display the Application Name as entered in the Web Setup dialog. |
wt_users_reg AS C (controls as c,e as p) |
Used internally to process a user's initial request for registration. |
wt_variables AS A (varname AS C) |
?wt_variables("myvar") Pulls the value from the wt_variables table. These variables are displayed in the Website Settings module. |
wt_version AS C ( ) |
?wt_version() Displays the Framework version. |