Finding User Management

    • The option is available at the bottom of your main menu. It will be visible if you have Administrators rights.

Add a User

    • Enter the users ID, First and Last Name in any of the bottom three rows and press Submit. Then, click Security to set their Password, Full Name and Security Groups.

Update a User

    • Select any user. You can update their First and Last Name in the main view, press Submit to save. To update other information, including their Password, click Security.

Delete a User

    • Click the checkbox at the far right for any user, and then press Submit. This removed them completely from the system and they cannot log in. If you want to retain their UserID for historical reasons, you can leave their main record intact, click Security and then the button "Remove from Security". Their UserID will still be in the system (so you can re-initiate them later) but they cannot log in.