Download and installation

  • After download, extract to where you keep your Alpha Five projects. For example, if you keep your Alpha Five projects at c:\a5projects, then you would have this structure after extracting the files:
  • c:\a5projects\cart_v3: a folder containing the Alpha Five web project.
  • c:\a5projects\cart_v3\extras\cart_v3_MYSQL.sql: the dump file used to create your database if you are using MySQL.
  • c:\a5projects\cart_v3\extras\cart_v3_MSSQL.sql: the dump file used to create your database if you are using Microsoft SQL Server.
  • c:\a5projects\cart_v3\extras\downloads: folder with sample "download files". This gets copied to your "data" location, discussed later in this document.
  • c:\a5projects\cart_v3\extras\docs: any documentation.
  • (There may be other files in the "extras" folder not listed here.)
  • Drag the "extras" folder out of the project, perhaps to your desktop. This folder contains help documentation and other resources that are not part of your Alpha Five project.
  • Before you go any farther, make a copy of your cart_v3 project, keeping your original copy as the "master". This will allow you to apply updates from AlphaToGo to the original installation.
  • The best way to make a copy of an existing project is to use the batch file named copy_a5_project.bat, included in the "extras" folder.