Downloadable Product / Data Alias
If your Shopping Cart contains any items for download, store those files as compressed ZIP files in a subfolder named "downloads" in your projects "data" folder. To establish a data folder, you must configure an "Alias" in your Alpha Five Publishing Profile that points to your data folder.
If you typically build SQL-based applications, you may not be familiar with Aliases or the "data" folder. To establish an Alias, go to the Publishing Profile for your project. Create an Alias named [PathAlias.ADB_Path] and enter a valid server or network path. The path should not point to your document root (where your A5W pages reside). An example Alias might be:
[PathAlias.ADB_Path] = c:\a5data
In the above example, be sure that c:\a5data\downloads exists, and store your downloadable files in this folder. If you manually upload your product file, it must be properly named. For example, if the Product Item_No is "ITEM_ABC" then the product download file must be named When you add download files using the Shopping Cart's Manage Product module, the Upload Zip File button will upload your zip files to the appropriate location, including creating the required subfolder if necessary, and renaming the file.