Looping through records
Using a list
vsql = "SELECT client_id FROM client"
rs = cn.resultset
clst = rs.ToString()
'==update Client with total hours and hourly charges
dim vttl_amt as n
dim vttl_hrs as n
for each foo in clst
vsql = "SELECT SUM(t1.hours_tobill * t2.rate) as ttl_amt,SUM(t1.hours_tobill) as ttl_hrs FROM billing_trans t1,billing_project t2 WHERE t1.type_id='HRS' AND no_charge<>1 AND t1.project_id = t2.id AND t1.client_id="+foo
rs = cn.ResultSet
vttl_amt = rs.data("ttl_amt")
vttl_hrs = rs.data("ttl_hrs")
vsql = "UPDATE client SET c_cur_hrs_charges={vttl_amt},c_cur_hours={vttl_hrs} WHERE client_id={foo}"
vsql = evaluate_string(vsql)
if cn.execute(vsql) = .f.
lst3 = lst3 + cn.callresult.text + crlf()
end if
Looping through records
Using a list to loop through records
cn = sql::Connection
rs = sql::ResultSet
args = sql::Arguments
vsql = "SELECT client_id FROM client"
rs = cn.resultset
clst = rs.ToString()
'==update Client with total hours and hourly charges
dim vttl_amt as n
dim vttl_hrs as n
for each foo in clst
vsql = "SELECT * FROM billing WHERE type_id='HRS'
rs = cn.ResultSet
vttl_amt = rs.data("ttl_amt")
vttl_hrs = rs.data("ttl_hrs")
vsql = "UPDATE client SET c_cur_hrs_charges={vttl_amt},c_cur_hours={vttl_hrs} WHERE client_id={foo}"
vsql = evaluate_string(vsql)
if cn.execute(vsql) = .f.
lst3 = lst3 + cn.callresult.text + crlf()
end if