Introductions and Course Outline
Introducing your course instructors
Please introduce yourself
- Name
- Application development experience. With which platforms/technologies?
- Experience developing Alpha Five v11/Alpha Anywhere applications.
- What do you hope to get out of the course? Any particular questions or concerns.
Workshop Orientation
Workshop goal
Expand your repertoire of Alpha Anywhere programming skills to include advanced features.
Watch, then try
When you see this icon in this book:
- Take your hands off the keyboard and mouse (unless otherwise indicated.)
- Observe as the instructor demonstrates the task at hand.
When you see this icon in this book:
- After the instructor demonstrates, you will have the opportunity to try the task yourself, indicated with this “exercise” icon.
Workshop overview
- Agenda – see Table of Contents.
- Schedule.
- Venue orientation: access times, exits, restrooms, resources.
- Breaks: about every hour, even just to stand, stretch, and breathe.
- Course workbooks: take notes in the workbook.
- Do not use mobile devices, e-mail, web searches, on-line entertainment, etc. during the course. This is for your benefit and for the benefit of the entire class.
- Ask questions when you have them – don’t wait.