Displaying video content
To display video content, associate the Action JavaScript highlighted below with a control’s Event:
You will also need to create a Video Player Component.
- A Video Player Component is a type of Web Component. It is not a control.
- With a Video Player Component you can:
- Embed any video hosted on YouTube in a smart hybrid Flash/HTML5 player.
- Add a hybrid HTML5 and Flash video player for video files you are hosting and want to stream via a parent component or calling control.
- Since the Video Player Component supports both HTML5 and Flash, the videos will play across multiple browsers and platforms.
Along with the instructor, create a Video Player Component and explore its Properties.
- Create a new Component of type Video Player.
- In the left-hand pane, click Properties.
- In the Options, locate YouTube video URL. Click the smart button and note the URL for the default video, which, for reference, is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdjgDtxJ-5E
- Examine the rest of the Options.
- Save the Component with the file name PlayAVideo.
- Display the Component in one of the installed Web browsers.